Voir la version complète : Shaders

05/07/2004, 00h46
First of all, sorry for not writing French (only had it four years in highschool :o )

The next version of C4DPortal will be released in a few months and I'm currently bussy building a replacement for the ''downloads section".

I was wondering if C4DPortal could host the shaders that are located here on FrenchCinema4d, with credits in tact. Banner exchange would also be possible.

Yours sincerely,
Administrator of www.c4dportal.com

05/07/2004, 00h59
thx telnoi :poucehaut:

05/07/2004, 01h42
telnoi nous annonce qu'il refait son site C4DPortal, et il demande si il peut utiliser les ressources de ce site. Les textures en l'occurrence.
telnoi propose de mètre nos noms a cote sur son site.

05/07/2004, 01h48
Et que la mise en place d'une bannière seras possible

05/07/2004, 01h50
Hi telnoi
Well I've been thinking. I'm not so sure I want to share mine this way. I'd love to come to your site and post them with the proper comments.

Je lui dit que je ne suis pas sur de vouloir lui donner mes textures de cette façon. Je prefere lui rendre visite pour lui en donner pourvu que je puisse mettre un commentaire .

05/07/2004, 01h51
Hi telnoi,

For that kind of request, you should d'rather contact directly the webmaster (Izostar) by mail.
Here is his adress : izostar@arawakstudio.com

05/07/2004, 02h03
Well jc I think it is stipulated in the reglement that this will not happen:

"FrenchCinema4D et son contenu sont protégés par les lois relatives aux droits d'auteurs. Il est donc interdit d'en exploiter tout ou partie du contenu sans autorisation écrite des membres de FrenchCinema4D."

So I agreed with when I gave my textures.
Nevertheless I like C4DPortal a lot, I used your tutorials and downloaded some of the resources and I will come and give you some textures soon.

I know internet is for sharing and this community too but I like to be in some kind of control when it comes to posting my work.

05/07/2004, 02h24
I'm currently still building the site and adding content while I'm at it. I'd rather not post it as it is right now, but would like it to be ready when launched.

Base, if you have any requirements for your shaders to be posted on c4dportal i'd be happy to oblige. I can add author url (frenchcinema.com if needed) etc.

I'll contact the webmaster and discuss terms as well if sharing resources/banners etc. is a possibility.

05/07/2004, 07h25
I think we can reach some sort of agreement here, as of that each author can tell you right here if he agrees on providing the shaders directly through here or not.

For my part, I'm ok, as I gave these shaders for the community, regardless of the hosting website, so you can go ahead and add mine while you are at it (I don't think I gave much of them though..).

We can create a list of author who are ok here and give you the results in a few days if you want?
Of course, each author should have proper credits ;)
You can ask me if you need a translation of the comments that come with the shaders.

Je pense qu'on peut arriver à s'entendre, de manière à ce que chaque auteur peut dire ici même s'il est d'accord pour fournir les matérieux qu'il a posté ici ou non.

Pour ma part, pas de soucis, les matériaux que j'ai fourni sont pour la communauté, peu importe le site web hôte, donc tu peux y aller et utiliser les miens si tu le souhaites pendant que tu y es (je ne pense pas avoir donné beaucoup cependant..).

On peut créer une liste d'auteur qui sont ok pour que tu utilises ces matériaux ici-même et te donner les résultats dans quelques jours si tu veux?
Bien entendu, chaque auteur devrait avoir ses crédits accompagnant la texture.

Donc pour tous ceux qui sont d'accord pour fournir leurs matériaux à C4D Portal, faites-le savoir ici svp.
Notamment Essania, qui est un gros fournisseur de matériaux (s'il est encore dans le coin).


05/07/2004, 10h13
Thanks :bounce:

I'll wait for the replies.

05/07/2004, 17h46
Hi Telnoi, are you interested by c4d ce 6 shaders too ?

05/07/2004, 18h06
Yes, all types. They will be categorised from R6 to R9 (prepared for the future :grin: )

05/07/2004, 18h22
pas de problème pour moi il peut utiliser mes modèles à condition de créditer. Je ne demande pas plus :wip:

05/07/2004, 18h27
We can create a list of author who are ok here and give you the results in a few days if you want?

Vote F1... Hmmm I mean I'm Okay...



05/07/2004, 18h34
Is it allowed to give you some shaders made with plugins like chanlum, Nlinshader etc ... ? How would you see it presented ? on a sphere, classicaly ? (sorry for my bad english)

05/07/2004, 18h52
Any shaders are welcome, be it made with commercial plugins or not. All these features can be entered into the upload directory so that users don't get confused.

As for preview thumbnails, it doesn't matter how they look nor what size they have (the server resizes the thumbnails to fit the page).

Thanks for the replies so far :D

06/07/2004, 10h02
For those who want to submit using an ftp server

Go to ftp://shaders:shaders@ , and upload your stuff there (zipped in rar, zip or sit format along with credits such as your website url, email if needed). Please mention if the shaders are saved in R8.5 or not, because owners of previous c4d versions can't open these files. It will be mentioned in the resource section.

I will make screenshots myself, or if you are kind enough to include them that would be perfect.

Another thing that might be handy is to ask who disagrees with sharing their models? I've tried isolating the shaders/models from the users who agreed so far, but the search engine doesn't include the author of the shader.

All help is appreciated.

06/07/2004, 12h05
Pour ceux qui souhaite utiliser un serveur ftp:
allez à ftp://shaders:shaders@, et uploadez votre travail compressé en zip, rar ou sit. Pensez à indiquer de quelle version il s'agit car les propriétaires de versions antérieures à la 8.5 ne peuvent pas lire les fichiers de cette dernière, cela sera mentionné dans la section ressource.
Je ferais les captures d'écran moi même, mais si vous voulez les intégrer, ce sera parfait.

Ce qui serait pratique, c'est de demander qui est contre le partage de ses modèles ou matières. J'ai tenté d'isoler les matières/modèles de ceux qui étaient d'accord, mais le moteur de recherche n'indique pas l'auteur des matières.
Toute aide est la bienvenue.