Boutique Cinema 4D
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Discussion: EasyIvy plugin

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    EasyIvy plugin

    This plugin follows the C4Dzone philosophy for developing Cinema 4D add-on: Fast and Easy! In the web there are a lot of plugins that create creepers but you surprise yourselves to see how Easy Ivy is easy and fast to use.

    Easy Ivy can be used with all rendering engine as Vray.

    The procedure for making creepers is very simple, it starts with laying roots on a poly object with the first internal tool Root Painter and after covering them with the Leaves Tool.

    Easy Ivy will also generate automatically UVW aligned map of the final model.

    The plugin bundles includes a set of leaves and material ready to use but you can expand it with your models.

    Cinema4D and system requirement:
    -Cinema4D release 13
    -OSX Snow Leopard and Lion
    -Windows 7 32/64 bit

    EasyIvy is available on C4Dzone shopping at 19,00 + VAT

    The article:

  2. #2
    Pilier Avatar de user4D
    Date d'inscription
    août 2006
    1 708
    Nice update, thank for the new

  3. #3
    Pilier Avatar de iolofato
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2003
    C4D version
    R24 Souscription
    1 160
    Billets dans le blog
    Très bien cette intégration dans C4D, dommage que les feuilles continuent à voler dans les airs sans pétioles. Après l'utilisation de ce plugin se reconnait immédiatement et son rendu très stéréotypé si on le bosse pas un peu. Enfin c'est cool tout de même hein

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