Voir la version complète : sketch art et couche alpha (du rendu ... pas des textures)

06/04/2004, 21h41
qd pour un objet rendu avec sketch & toon on choisit shading=background on ne se retrouve plus qu'avec les traits...

est il possible selon vous que dans le .tiff du rendu on obtienne la couche alpha qui va bien avec les traits???

Ce serait enorme...permettrait de bosser avec la version normale du model dans photoshop + un layer qui ne contiendrait que les traits...

07/04/2004, 17h42
Sorry this one isn't translating clearly enough for me, could someone try translating this?

As I'm sort of understanding you want to Render both a regular render pass and a sketch and toon pass in one render rather then in seperate renders is that correct?

07/04/2004, 17h47
Actually, I'm not sure I understand either, but here is what I think he asked :

When he choses the shading method "background", he ends up with the lines. He wants to know if it is possible to have an alfa channel just for those lines, to edit it later on in Photoshop...

07/04/2004, 18h40
yes...exactly .... sometimes just want to make a composite of the raytraced image and the sketched one in photoshop....

The MAXON support answered me that: :

"Within the Sketch render options there is an option for "Post Render".
Activate this option and a Multi-Pass option will become available.
Within the Multi-Pass you can turn on the separate Alpha checkbox to give
you an alpha channel for your sketch lines.

but i can't manage to make this work....so weird...the alpha channel is always empty....or a plain white page...

what am i doing wrong?

07/04/2004, 19h03
tu n'as pas la doc de sketch and toons????

08/04/2004, 14h35
ca y est je crois que j'y suis arrivé....

la dessus la doc n'est pas super claire...

il faut bien activer le multipass...ce qui n'est pas clairement préciser ds la doc a mon sens...quoique maintenant ca me parait logique...

ce sketch and toon c vraiment de la bombe...
(pour les archis c un must have ce truc)

13/04/2004, 06h38
multipass will allow lines to be rendered on sepereate layers in a photoshop file.