Voir la version complète : Je cherche le createur d'une modele

18/03/2008, 22h44
J'ai fait une animation avec le modele de Citroën 2 CV que j'ai trouvez ici a frenchcinema 4d. Dans le video complet je voudrais bien faire référence à l'autor de cette modele formidable. Vous connez ce Monsieur? - Excusement pour mon francais malle.
I made an animation with the wonderful Citroën 2 CV model which I found here in frenchcinema 4d. I would like to mention the name of the creator of this beautiful model in the final video. Does anybody know his name?
Ich habe eine Animation mit dem Citroën 2 CV-Modell gemacht, das ich hier in frenchcinema 4d heruntergeladen habe. Im fertigen Video würde ich gerne den Autor dieses wunderbaren Modells erwähnen. Kennt jemand hier seinen Namen?

18/03/2008, 23h13
ich spreche nicht deutsch tief betrübt
Don't speal German sorry
Je parle pas allemand désolé

This one:

If so it's a Score16 work. Long time no see. Anyone knows how to contact him?

His mail doesn't work anymore :?

18/03/2008, 23h56
Don't speal dutch sorry

Duh SHTL c'est pas du batave ! C'est du germain

19/03/2008, 07h31

20/03/2008, 11h29
This one:


Oui!! Ce et le modele! :poucehaut: Yes, this is the model which I talk about. :poucehaut: If I cannot find out the name I refer to Score 16 from frenchcinema 4d.

Merci beaucoup pour votre assistance, thank you for your help.

If you are interested, here are some of the things I made with Cinema 4D:




20/03/2008, 12h27
He changed is login to "score", but he didn't came back since 2005 or 6... and mail doesn't work anymore.... :?

I don't know what would be correct. I'd say that "score16 from FC4D" would be OK, but usually it is better to contact the author. But what if the author cannot be contacted I don't know.............



20/03/2008, 12h58
Quote his nickname at the end of the video ?

20/03/2008, 23h26
Merci, amis - thank you friends.
- I have another idea: I post a new topic with the name of the model, maybe that's better? Like:
!! Cherchez createur de "Citroën 2CV" !!

What do you think? Quesque vouz pense?

21/03/2008, 16h39
...or rather : "cherche modèle 2 CV Citroën" :wink:

09/04/2008, 00h57
The animation is ready. :lol: You can watch and download it here:


09/04/2008, 09h01
hello nice idea but sometimes the fly start to be faster too quickly and I think it's not really "realistic" for a fly movement...and the fly's sound does'nt change.

(l'avion accelere trop brusquement et le son ne change pas...)

sorry for my english I'm not use to write it. have a good day

09/04/2008, 12h06
Merci, jeffD. C'est vrai, et pas professionel ... :oops:
"l'avion accelere trop brusquement" - oui, malheuressement. I drew a spline with about 12 points and the camera is "align to spline", first point 0 %, last point 100 %. Twice after passing a point the camera suddenly moves much faster, I don't know why. :evil: One of the thousand unknown Cinema 4D secrets ....

09/04/2008, 12h31
It has to do with the kind of interpolation of your spline and the kind of spline. (there is a tutorial on that on base80.com)
Normaly you should have noticed this if you would have made a test shoot of the animation.

09/04/2008, 20h35
Wow- Wow - Wow !!! What a famous top commentator on my thread :bounce: !!! I checked your site immediately and I think that it is the "Align to Spline Xpresso"-tutorial that you talk about. So thank you very very much for your gracious help. This is really THE forum for C4D, I am glad I am here. It is only a hobby of mine but my computer runs 14 hours with Cinema each day at least.

So, it looks like I shall have to render the Viaduc de Millau flight again ...

23/05/2008, 03h00
J'ai fait l'animation de nouveau. Quelques modifikations de le modele et de le textures, l'avion et régulier et maitenant j'additioner music. Quesques vouz pensez? - Excuse mon francais malle s'il vouz plais.
I rendered the animation again with a few changes. The flight movement is smoother now and I added some music too. I hope you like it a bit better now.
Ich habe die Animation neu gerendert. Der Flug ist jetzt gleichmäßig, ein paar kleine Änderungen am Model und den Texturen, und eine Musik habe ich probehalber auch noch dazugemacht. Findet Ihr es jetzt etwas besser?

ICI - HERE - ==> http://files.filefront.com/Virtual+Flight+Millau+Bri2avi/;10308712;/fileinfo.html

23/05/2008, 11h58
nice work :poucehaut:

The animation movement is pretty nice and dynamic, and seems natural, but I think you should cut once or twice your flight, to get more dynamism.

I hope you see what I meen ;)

cheers ;)

23/05/2008, 13h35
Merci, moebius, yes I get your point. I thought about this but I had no idea at what time I could do a cut. Tell me please when you would do one, at which min/sec.