Voir la version complète : New TakeTool 1.07 Free Update

19/03/2009, 16h45
Hello again,
another free TT update here chengeLOG:

New Commands : Overrides Active Materials - Override Active Objects - Override Active Tags- with this 3 command you can now override multiple selection item in current take with one click

New Feature in Prepare File To Render : now TakeManager is Automatically deleted in Render scenes, this mean you can render file in renderfarm or on netrender without TT.

here Download Links:


I know my site in not updated :( but i hope to do this in next weekend.

All the Best

19/03/2009, 16h50
Waouw !!! A new update !

I go on immediatly, the 1.05 was already very great, but this one with new overrides seems to be better yet ! (that's quite logical, anyway, for an update... :nono:)

Thanks for your fantastic continuous optimization of this fantastic plugin ! (which i'm always learning, since 2 weeks I have it, and enjoy every day !)

For All French Members : If you can, BUY IT, it'll save you a lot of time !!!

(Pour tous les Membres de la French : Si vous pouvez, achetez le, il va vous faire gagner énormémement de temps !)


19/03/2009, 16h57
Hello BerTiN03,
Thanks For your support :)


19/03/2009, 17h10
No pb ! When thinks are cool, It has to be said ! :poucehaut:

19/03/2009, 17h39
Bertin, j'ai cherché un brin, mais pas trouvé... peux-tu donner quelques mots sur ce plug-in ? (my taylor is rich but mon italien est pauvre) :mrgreen:

19/03/2009, 17h47
Erf, j'ai pas super le temps de rentrer dans les détails, tout de suite, mais bon, un bon lien vaut mieux qu'un long discours :


Le mieux est de regarder toutes les vidéos, ça prends un peu de temps, et c'est un peu long à charger, mais ça résume extrêment bien. En plus c'est muet, pas besoin de parler l'anglais (enfin, chez moi c'est muet ... :o)

C'est une sorte de "super task manager"

En gros, tu crée des "takes" dans lesqueles tu configure la caméra que tu veux, ce que tu veux montrer, ou pas, tel ou tel éclairage, tels ou tels paramètres de rendu, tu peux même modifier tes matériaux pour chaque take.

Le top c'est que tu bascules d'un "Take" à l'autre en 1 clic. Très très puissant sur les scènes un peu costaudes. Pareil pour passer de paramétres de rendus très low juste pour de la preview à des paramètres de rendus qualité top, et même chose avec les matériaux. Et plus encore.


19/03/2009, 18h09
On peut faire des takes AR et Vray ? :D :bounce:
RE fait ça gratuitement pour l'instant, mais je le soupçonne d'être un peu plantogène :?

19/03/2009, 19h32
Hello SHTL,
TakeTool is designed for working with AR 3 and VrayforC4d 1.1, and is ready to supportr VayforC4d1.2 (very soon and interesting :) )
i wrote TT for my works ( i use Always Vray and AR together ) and i am a betatester in depth connected with Vray developer ( renato And Daniele) and all Vray for C4d Features are supported By TakeTool.

RE is A good Plugin in my opinion and Adam is a very good developer. But the very important things to make a choice for me is workflow and TT and RE have very different workflow.

I hope to be correct to say these things, I do not want to unleash a war plugins;
et je m'excuse de ne pas connaître le français

Best Regards

19/03/2009, 22h25
Hello Franz. And thank you very much for the feedback. :poucehaut:
So with your tool, we can switch from AR to Vray and reverse again easily, that's cool.
I do love RE and I'm all ready very happy with it. But if they are even more features in TT, would be stupid not to give it a try :wink:
I'll have to check all vidéos, to see how it works precisely, and check out TT workflow.

Thanks for passing by :odile:
And sorry if my english ain't perfect, but I don't speak... a... italian? :wink:

20/03/2009, 09h23
Je te garanatis que tu le regrettera pas SHTL.. :wink:

20/03/2009, 09h31
Hello All,
an user told for a bug present in 1.07 in prepare fle to render command ,now bog is solved i have just uploaded correct version.
for all user please download from same link the correct plugin


20/03/2009, 10h02
Merci bcp Bertin, je m'y jette dès que l'horloge me le permet.

Thanks so high Franz for your detailed feedback, as SHTL said ! :poucehaut:

26/03/2009, 15h36
Hello All,
here a sample video to make with TakeTool to simple create custom material buffer.

hope you like it
