Voir la version complète : Appleseed Proyecto Briareos

06/11/2011, 02h45
Hello people my apologies for reviving this post, it is that has little to do my job with what they actually do on this site, (I really admire all you do here) Well here photos of the different stages of my project, I now I ask please if any designer is encouraged to develop their shoes (footwear Briareos) harchivo format I use is. OJB and / or. pdo. (I use Pepakura program). Thank you very much for viewing my post and hopefully it tempting for someone this small request.


11/03/2012, 05h00
Hey people if anyone is interested here my update.


17/03/2012, 22h14
corrections before the end, well I'm not totally convinced if that is the expreccion I'm looking for, please give me their views are very welcome.
(I know, I know this has nothing to do with this site but I'm here.


17/03/2012, 23h18
great work ! keep going !

17/03/2012, 23h50
great work ! keep going !

Thank you thank you very much, for a moment I felt like this ...

18/03/2012, 00h10
I follow your project too, but in silence, like many people i think.

It's a very good work, i'm impressed by your talent and your patience, congratulation.

(Have you already find help for the shoes ?)

18/03/2012, 00h35
I follow your project too, but in silence, like many people i think.

It's a very good work, i'm impressed by your talent and your patience, congratulation.

(Have you already find help for the shoes ?)

I honestly do not, you do not know if the request is understood (correct me please if not understood, is that I use a translator, and does not always reflect what I mean ha ha ha): Sweatdrop:

18/03/2012, 13h11
I think your request is understood, although i don't know the requested formats is why i can't help you by the way.

19/03/2012, 16h45
I think your request is understood, although i don't know the requested formats is why i can't help you by the way.

Well thank you very much for your attention, it is true I am familiar with these files (although I have no idea how it works ha ha ha)
Okay here I leave two links. 1 is the program to display the files in .Pdo and. Obj, the program is free but not all active functions.
2 is the full armor of Iron Man which includes his shoes.

Bien muchas gracias por su atencion, es cierto me es familiar estos archivos (aunque no tengo idea de como funciona ja ja ja)
Okey aqui dejo dos enlaces. 1 es el programa para desplegar los archivos en formato .pdo y .obj, el programa es gratis pero no tiene todos sus funciones activa.
2 es la armadura completa de Iron man que incluye sus zapatos.
Pd. This was my impression when trying to modify a file Pepakura
Here the page where I post

07/04/2012, 21h33
Briareos %95, rifle enigma %90.
Hola chicas y chicos, aqui mi progreso me falta las luces y pequeños detalles interno del casco quizas para la semana tomare algunas fotos con las luces de los sensores.
Briareos% 95,% 90 rifle enigma.
Hello girls and boys, here my progress and I need the lights inside the helmet small details maybe for the week'll take some pictures with the lights of the sensors.


07/04/2012, 22h42
Hi Toja2011,

I'll never be able to do such a work but I've tried to build a 3d model of Briareos a few years ago.
I will look for the shoes next week:icon_smile:

1- I've just received your mp,after loging in order to answer in your thread..
2- do you manage to see something with the helmet :-)

-I'm surely not a master, but I sure put some forces in the model just like you :-)

07/04/2012, 22h50
Hi Toja2011,

I'll never be able to do such a work but I've tried to build a 3d model of Briareos a few years ago.
I will look for the shoes next week:icon_smile:

Wow! you master .... I use his drawings as reference, but use an avatar from its design, sorry for that.
happy to use your design, thanks thank you very much

Edit: My inspiration from his work is what today is based much of my work, please see my post
(I personally believe that their designs are the most successful as far as Briareos is concerned).
Looking through .. is complicated if I have a tendency to want to look to one side, like looking through a tube in a couple of hours will stay visco ha ha ha

09/04/2012, 17h21
MP sent with shoe in *.obj format

Hopefully it can help you :icon_wavey:

09/04/2012, 21h03
MP sent with shoe in *.obj format

Hopefully it can help you :icon_wavey:

C2 Lord, I am writing to thank you deeply for your file sharing with me.
OH! My God this design is beautiful, soon show you the progress thanks thank you very much.: Icon_clap:: Icon_clap:

09/04/2012, 23h07
thanks a lot Toja2011,

so, OK for "lord of the shoes" and nothing else


I only started 3d because I was very bad with model in real-life ;-)

keep going!

10/04/2012, 00h09
ja ja ja es muy bueno, entiendo su sentimiento je je, me paso igual si no fuese por personas como usted que comparte sus creaciones mi proyecto se veria algo asi..
ha ha ha very good, I understand your feeling heh heh, I spend as if it were not for people like you who share their creations my project it would look something like this ..

Not that I care this mocking me the subject of the photo just say that ..;)

12/04/2012, 22h55
Hello, Well here taster of two people who share their work, without them I could not carry out this preyecto (I'm like a monkey with a tablet)

Hola, Bien aqui pequeño adelanto de dos personas que comparten sus trabajo, sin ellos yo no podria llevar adelante este preyecto (soy como un mono con una tablet)


23/04/2012, 23h35
Hello people my update here is the first stage (deployment Peping) armed paper model, the manors to follow are to stabilize the model resin, glass fiber reinforcement and puttying.
Another option would be to copy the patterns of eva and rubber footwear mask a leather boot. (Hope that makes sense the idea)

Hola gente aqui mi actualizacion, es la primera etapa (despliegue peping) armado del modelo en papel, los pazos a seguir son estabilizar el modelo resinado, refuerzo con fibra de vidrio y masillado.
Otra opcion seria copiar los patrones del calzado en goma eva y enmascarar un bota de cuero.(Espero que tenga sentido la idea)

24/04/2012, 15h17
Impressive work overall, the models really come to life, literally!

24/04/2012, 17h16
Impressive work overall, the models really come to life, literally!

@ Mr Fluffy, Thanks man do what I can with what I have lol, @ Sr C2, thanks for the calves begin to work on themhttp://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/CalvesBriareosbyC2.jpg, 'a designer who wants to design these (really need)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Prometeus%20m8%20Briareos/PROMETEUSM-08CYBORGPISTOL02.jpghttp://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Prometeus%20m8%20Briareos/PROMETEUSM-08CYBORGPISTOL08.jpghttp://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Prometeus%20m8%20Briareos/PROMETEUSM-08CYBORGPISTOL05.jpghttp://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Prometeus%20m8%20Briareos/PROMETEUSM-08CYBORGPISTOL01.jpg

If someone has the time and patience to create your own Briareos.
Here are the links to the different parts developed by different people (not perfect is what you get)





28/04/2012, 00h58
Hello girls and boys, well here my update Briareos calves.

Hola chicas y chicos, bien aqui mi actualizacion Briareos pantorrillas.
Well I have no more files to deploy, I guess I can relax http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/FunnyAnimation302.gif


28/04/2012, 19h36
good moment ago I meet a little problem I can not reproduce this logo, please help, I know what it is easy but I complicated

bien hace instante me encuentro con un pequeño problema no puedo reproducir este logo, ayuda por favor, lo se lo se es facil pero se me complica

02/05/2012, 17h56
Hola gente, bien aqui mi actualizacion.
Que tenemos aqui bien yo me mantenia al margen con esta tecnica y sinceramente estoy sorprendido, el tiempo de construccion y dinero gastado se redujo significativamente ha si es menos toxico que trabajar con resina y masilla, ha si por ahi hay unos pic de mi fusil enigma

Hi folks, well here is my update.
Well here we have I stood by this technique and I'm honestly surprised, the construction time and money spent has significantly reduced if less toxic to work with resin and filler, if there is there a pic of my rifle enigma


02/05/2012, 20h58
always great to see ! keep uuuup !

03/05/2012, 21h01
always great to see ! keep uuuup !

Thanks friend, if you can interpret the image I'm looking forward to end, soon yes yes

Edited. Briareos forearm developed with high density rubber eva.


12/05/2012, 01h49
Hola chicas y chicos, bien aqui mi actualizacion.
Fotos del anterbrazo, prueba de pintura acrilica, hombro izquierdo, zapatos y video de prueba de led para el casco.
Disculpas por el sonido malo.

Hello girls and boys, well here is my update.
Anterbrazo photos, proof of acrylic paint, left shoulder, shoes and video evidence led to the hull.
Sorry for the bad sound.



15/05/2012, 03h56
Solo dire, muchas gracias señor Harnor y C2.

Just say, thank you very much Mr. Harnor and C2.

19/05/2012, 05h40
Hi guys, well here's Left shoulder end, not perfect but what is

Hola chicos, bien aqui esta Hombro izquierdo final, no es perfecto pero es lo que hay


Detalle interno para acoplar las dos piezas y darle cierta movilidad

Internal detail to attach the two pieces and give some mobility

01/06/2012, 02h38
Hello girls and boys, well time to update
We have here ... try to be brief (translator is not very friendly)
First two photos, proof vest or chest level (courtesy of Mr. C2) Soon also available PROMETEUS M-08 CYBORG PISTOL.

Personally I have the idea of ​​going around, pants, belt and muscles of the arms, for now I have to wait to send Mr. C2 files.
For the muscles of the arm, there a pic with my idea (looking at a snails thread on this page, I like a pattern of fabric (hope that makes sense) please give me your opinion

Hola chicas y chicos, bien tiempo de actualizar
Que tenemos aqui...intentare ser breve (traductor no es muy amigable)
Primeras dos fotos, prueba de escala del chaleco o pecho (gentileza del señor C2) Pronto tambien disponible PROMETEUS M-08 CYBORG PISTOL.
Personalmente tengo la idea de ir por todo, pantalones, cinto y musculos de los brazos, por ahora me queda esperar al señor C2 que envie los archivos.
Para los musculos del brazo, por ahi un pic con mi idea (mirando un hilo de caracoles en esta pagina, me gusto un patron de tela (espero que tenga sentido)

11/06/2012, 01h38
Hi, well I have no significant progress with respect to Briareos, but finally I have my gun Prometeus M-08 developed by an American friend Mr. Joel (Joel thank you very much). Here I leave you to download if you like "reuploaded-free keyless"




Hola, bien no tengo avances significativos con respecto a briareos, pero tengo al fin mi arma Prometeus M-08 desarrollado por un amigo americano Sr. Joel (muchas gracias Joel).
Aqui les dejo para descargar si gustan "password es mi alterego y año vigente"

11/06/2012, 06h35

17/06/2012, 05h03
Briareos Chest Pepakura paragraph, Powered by The Lord Harnor.

Hello beautiful people, well here the last missing piece to that Briareos is complete.
Thank you very much Mr. C2, keep working on your files.
(will edit later to collect all files into a single link)

Ho! I forgot, my next project is ... Mazinkaiser SKL, if it is tempting for someone ......

Edited: Well Mazinkaiser SKL left it in idle state.
Question: Some 3D modeler who wants to develop the Dunan suit? please.: Icon_question:
Ha! if others make clear that this is not for me to dress (or maybe if you ha ha ha).

Briareos Pecho párrafo Pepakura, Desarrollado por El Señor Harnor.

Hola gente linda, bien aqui la ultima pieza que faltaba para que Briareos este completo.
Muchas gracias al señor C2, sigo trabajando en sus archivos.
(luego editare para reunir todos los archivos en un solo enlace)

Ho! se me olvidaba, mi proximo proyecto es...Mazinkaiser SKL, si es tentador para alguien......

28/06/2012, 00h15
Hi folks, well here is my update.
I'm with the building system type of craft foam slices is much faster and cheaper, next step is to encapsulate the pores of the craft foam with PVA (wood glue) and then paint.



Hola gente, bueno aqui mi actualizacion.
Estoy con el sistema de construccion tipo rodajas de goma eva, es mucho mas rapido y mas economico, proximo paso es encapsular los poros de la goma eva con PVA (COLA DE CARPINTERO) y luego pintura.

28/06/2012, 17h42

28/06/2012, 22h00
: Icon_mrgreen:

30/06/2012, 03h39
Greetings people, here I am again, it is the first coat of paint, use high gloss black does not convince me maybe try black satin see what happens tomorrow.

Saludos gente, aqui estoy de nuevo, bien es la primera mano de pintura, utilise negro brillante no me convence quizas pruebe con negro satinado veremos que pasa mañana

06/07/2012, 19h33
Hello girls and boys, well here is my prometheus M-08.
Ok the problem with the holster of pistols is that walking down (I know, I know you are late for the distribution of men's legs lol), the solution is to give the garment more volume in the legs and put velcro on the the cartridge belts, hope it works


Hola chicas y chicos, bien aqui esta mi prometheus M-08.
Okey el problema con la cartuchera de las pistolas es que al caminar se bajan (lo se, lo se llegue tarde para el reparto de piernas para hombres lol), la solucion es darle a la prenda mas volumen en las piernas y ponerle velcro a los cintos de la cartuchera, espero que funcione

14/07/2012, 18h48
Hello beautiful people, well here a preview of what will come, is a bit messy now, but I think I'm on the right track.


22/07/2012, 01h06
Hello beautiful people, well here I have% 90 of the suit, the other% 20 ends tonight, cartridge belts, muscles of arms and pants, wish me luck tomorrow is my debut


23/07/2012, 01h12
Impressive, Toja ! Always nice to follow you on this project :icon_clap:

23/07/2012, 04h49
Impressive, Toja ! Always nice to follow you on this project :icon_clap:
Briareos and release the final dress
* hello people, well here's 14 very heavy.
Harnor Lord, thank you very much, sir C2, thank you very much, Mr. Joel, and thank you very much Mr. dung0beetle.
@ All girls and boys, eternally grateful for all the support.

The public would not let me go

23/07/2012, 21h55

25/07/2012, 19h16
Hello, you either have a model ready to embody Dunan, files in development so far are those (Developed by Throttlekitty) http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92802&page=340


25/07/2012, 19h49
So great !!!!
i keep follow your work !
(iron man need some lessons from you ^^)

25/07/2012, 20h01
So great !!!!
i keep follow your work !
(iron man need some lessons from you ^^)

Well the only advice I can give is to talk to a girl always look in their eyes .... ha ha ha, just kidding it would be very happy to help

Bien el unico consejo que puedo dar es, para hablar con una chica siempre mirar a sus ojos.... ja ja ja, es broma seria muy feliz de poder ayudar

27/07/2012, 20h05
Hello beautiful people, well here are two files to share, rifle and sword Deunan (Development files for Throttlekitty)


21/08/2012, 20h47
Hey guys, I'm with all the adrenaline in the day yesterday got triple satifacion
1st. to win my first cosplay competition.
* 2nd. the prize, a brand new PS3.
3rd. I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Claudia Well (Jennifer Parker, Back to the Future and Mr. Donald (Goldie Wilson).
Frenchcinema4d Thanks for letting me share my work on this site
** Special thanks to Mr. Harnor, C2, Joel K and Dung0Beetle.

21/08/2012, 20h58
Congrats, this is well deserved!!

22/08/2012, 08h51
Bravissimo !!!! :icon_clap: :thumbup1:

12/09/2012, 05h22
Congrats, this is well deserved!!
Thanks Mr. Fluffy

Bravissimo !!!! :icon_clap: :thumbup1:
Thanks Mr. Catrax

Hello people, I'm back with some pictures to invite, I hope not to bore you with this lol
won second competition


12/09/2012, 10h32
Fantastic Toja2011!
Beautiful pictures for your book and well deserved award!
And I have learned a lot with your building systems...
Thanks for that too :icon_thumbsup:

12/09/2012, 11h38
awesome Toja :) .
(but I'm not sure to understand where did you use Cinema4D in your process ? the 3D software pictures you show don't show c4d )

12/09/2012, 19h51
Fantastic Toja2011!
Beautiful pictures for your book and well deserved award!
And I have learned a lot with your building systems...
Thanks for that too :icon_thumbsup:
seriously ..!? is an honor, thanks C2.
And to keep the custom lol, sare possible to create the sword ..?

awesome Toja :) .
(but I'm not sure to understand where did you use Cinema4D in your process ? the 3D software pictures you show don't show c4d )
Admittedly, I do not use C4D, download a demo recently to make my own designs (I realize that I'm light years to realize them lol)
* Although I came to this page following Mr. C2, hoping to share their files Briareos mesh format. obj
* (I understand and am well aware that nothing has to do my work with this site)
But if I think at some point it has to do
* "I hope the explanation makes sense to you"
in my other post of KARAS, I am asking the same thing, a mesh design in. obj, to work with the program pepakura.

en español: Es cierto, yo no uso C4D, hace poco descargue un demo para poder hacer mis propios diseños (me doy cuenta que estoy a muchos años luz de poder realizarlos jajaja)
bien yo llego a esta pagina siguiendo al señor C2, con la esperanza de que compartiera sus archivos de briareos en formato malla .obj
(entiendo y soy muy conciente que nada tiene que ver mi trabajo con este sitio)
si embargo creo que en algun punto si tiene que ver
"espero que tenga sentido la explicacion para usted"
en mi otro post de KARAS, estoy pidiendo exactamente lo mismo, un diseño de malla en formato .obj, para poder trabajar con el programa pepakura.

13/09/2012, 00h40
Thanks for your so kind dedication Toja!
It was my pleasure to watch the parts of the 3D model becoming real thanks to your gigantic work:icon_clap:
I will show you the poor canopy of a RC model which I will have to make, trying to follow your method.
It is very simple compared with all the parts you have made, not sure that I will succeed, but you give me the solution to make it
Je débute ;-)
Good luck!

10/10/2012, 04h49
if I'm back with more prizes.
some pictures to share
and my new project is Gurren Lagann, is that Karas never progress for now, I'll keep waiting.


17/10/2012, 23h36
Time to update, I have chest okey in what seems appropriate scale, shoulder and forearms.

Test arm movement is limited but I am satisfied.


01/11/2012, 01h28
Hi folks, here's my progress
* I have all my pieces armed paper
** in what looks correct scales, I press the mask and helmet


Here we modify the expression of the face, with the mouth closed.

08/11/2012, 00h27
Hello people, here's my update.
I have the helmet and face ready to paint,
using epoxy putty for seams rebels.
(the seams are the union of two pieces and use superglue "Cyanoacrylate")


12/11/2012, 23h39
Hi Toja ! congrats for all the prizes, it's well deserved !
I think you're a model for all of us, for your constant work and sharing attitude. I like to follow your process and my childrens too. I think often to your job, even if you don't use cinema 4D. You share with us since many years so clearly, for me you're a great member of this community and I feel lucky to follow your job here. So stay as you are :icon_beerchug:

12/11/2012, 23h55
Great job, that mask is coming along nicely!
Do you add padding on the inside to fit your head and keep the mask comfortable? Although, it must be fairly light, is it strong once finished?

13/11/2012, 23h50
Hi Toja ! congrats for all the prizes, it's well deserved !
I think you're a model for all of us, for your constant work and sharing attitude. I like to follow your process and my childrens too. I think often to your job, even if you don't use cinema 4D. You share with us since many years so clearly, for me you're a great member of this community and I feel lucky to follow your job here. So stay as you are :icon_beerchug:

Great job, that mask is coming along nicely!
Do you add padding on the inside to fit your head and keep the mask comfortable? Although, it must be fairly light, is it strong once finished?

: Icon_prie::icon_prie::icon_prie::icon_prie::icon_p rie::icon_prie::icon_prie:

Gentlemen, thank you very much, I will definitely feel very privileged
to leave me share my work here in french cinema 4d,
Thanks to all who look at this post.

is very light, I have the idea to glue the mask to a sort of balaclava (stretchy fabric)

17/11/2012, 21h56
Hello people, here's my update.
first pictures inside and outside of the mask
(a small grid was installed in the mouth to facilitate breathing)

then I have the forearms with spikes or bores,
using the base glue empty containers order to make them removable


24/11/2012, 18h12
Hi girls and guys, well I have my chest and the first of the two shoulders
I'm with trouble adapting shoulders, but it I think I'm on the right path.


24/11/2012, 18h54
love this ! as always.

08/12/2012, 00h59
love this ! as always.
Thank you very much for following this post, I must admit that at first I had a feeling I was the "make me laugh" on this site ha ha ha, I am ...?

Hello people
* Well here I am with my photos out of focus,
* I have the jawbone (corresponds to the waist) my two shoulder and my glasses (glasses will be tinted black color)
finally change details forearm

08/12/2012, 01h14
Great progress, keep up the good work!

17/12/2012, 03h12
Great progress, keep up the good work!
: Icon_grin:Thank you very much by the breath, I load the batteries to continue

Okay, I have my mask with a little color, surely will apply clearcoat to get a little shine


17/12/2012, 11h33
Did you paint the colors ? Look nice ! Great looking Toja.:thumbup1:

23/04/2013, 23h11
Did you paint the colors ? Look nice ! Great looking Toja.:thumbup1:
merci beaucoup : P

Hello, I'm back this time with the Elite advanced suit Dead Space 2 Game

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Blue-Elite-Advanced-Dead-Space-2-SnQQpy-02_zps0cd01599.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Blue-Elite-Advanced-Dead-Space-2-SnQQpy-02_zps0cd01599.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/4_zpsdd7e387c.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/4_zpsdd7e387c.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_3_zps830b90e2.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_3_zps830b90e2.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_2_zpsafea416d.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_2_zpsafea416d.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_7_zps4abca2f6.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_7_zps4abca2f6.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_62_zps55b21ac5.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/Capture_62_zps55b21ac5.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/scala700_zpsdec5fa54.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/scala700_zpsdec5fa54.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/plasmacuttertojaCapture_2_zpsf6c016e5.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/plasmacuttertojaCapture_2_zpsf6c016e5.jpg.html)htt p://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/DS2BYTOJA_zpsfdbec384.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/DS2BYTOJA_zpsfdbec384.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/2013-01-24230129_zps45178119.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/2013-01-24230129_zps45178119.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/2013-01-24225914_zps10655715.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/2013-01-24225914_zps10655715.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/2013-01-16211049_zps0fe3caa1.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/2013-01-16211049_zps0fe3caa1.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/DeadSpace2byToja2013-01-281920042_zps2d5abe72.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/DeadSpace2byToja2013-01-281920042_zps2d5abe72.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/DeadSpace2byToja2013-02-122108114_zpsd4a8960a.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/DeadSpace2byToja2013-02-122108114_zpsd4a8960a.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/DeadSpace2byToja2013-02-122108112_zps773e0c7d.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/DeadSpace2byToja2013-02-122108112_zps773e0c7d.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DS2trajedeelitebyToja2013_zps38966477.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DS2trajedeelitebyToja2013_zps38966477.jpg.html)htt p://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DS2trajedeelitebyToja20132_zpsbbb9a555.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DS2trajedeelitebyToja20132_zpsbbb9a555.jpg.html)ht tp://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-18164458_zps76bbe3cd.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-18164458_zps76bbe3cd.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-20204316_zps2f89ff43.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-20204316_zps2f89ff43.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-07115457_zpsc5eaf33d.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-07115457_zpsc5eaf33d.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-06115054_zps84cf6218.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-06115054_zps84cf6218.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-04012742_zps573b7b22.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-04012742_zps573b7b22.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-04190254_zpsc8327d59.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/2013-04-04190254_zpsc8327d59.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/2013-04-14231545_zpsadb7b288.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/2013-04-14231545_zpsadb7b288.jpg.html)

23/04/2013, 23h19
Quite a lot of details on this one, looks fantastic!

23/04/2013, 23h27
Quite a lot of details on this one, looks fantastic!
Merci beaucoup monsieur : Icon_prie:: Icon_prie:: Icon_prie:

24/04/2013, 09h27

24/04/2013, 19h59

Merci :icon_artist:

16/05/2013, 17h49
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/dead-space-3-17776-1024x768_zpse2e16cc2.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/dead-space-3-17776-1024x768_zpse2e16cc2.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-14185659_zps9620ab7e.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-14185659_zps9620ab7e.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/escalacascods3editadoportoja_zps188d44e3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/escalacascods3editadoportoja_zps188d44e3.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-14190224_zpsf51306f1.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-14190224_zpsf51306f1.jpg.html)
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http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231458_zps9232d89e.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231458_zps9232d89e.jpg.html)

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231524_zps084d195f.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231524_zps084d195f.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231933_zps61c20639.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15231933_zps61c20639.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15232028_zps2a02a1d3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-15232028_zps2a02a1d3.jpg.html)

26/05/2013, 01h36
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130634_zps3627b74c.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130634_zps3627b74c.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130734_zps65565f91.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130734_zps65565f91.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130918_zps3870f5fd.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-18130918_zps3870f5fd.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200924_zps15127bc8.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200924_zps15127bc8.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200859_zpse5e404b5.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200859_zpse5e404b5.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200020_zps79861a70.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%203%20Artic/2013-05-25200020_zps79861a70.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/Sintiacutetulo-1_zps8d37353e.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/Sintiacutetulo-1_zps8d37353e.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-12-07123901_zps962a70a8.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-12-07123901_zps962a70a8.jpg.html)

27/05/2013, 17h57
two photos of the weekend
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DeadSpace2JMPToja2_zps41ed01e5.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DeadSpace2JMPToja2_zps41ed01e5.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DeadSpace2JMPToja_zps53747413.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DeadSpace2JMPToja_zps53747413.jpg.html)

27/05/2013, 19h21
great as always

09/06/2013, 18h16
great as always
Thanks for the compliment :biggrin:

Hi sorry for the hassle, here are some photos to share
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA7_zpsf92ce15c.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA7_zpsf92ce15c.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA4_zpse922b4db.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA4_zpse922b4db.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA5_zpsacac0383.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA5_zpsacac0383.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA8_zps0092cca2.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/DEADSPACE2BYTOJA8_zps0092cca2.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/964497_504387049614444_1436185243_o_zps84508cb6.jp g (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Dead%20Space%202%20proyecto%20toja/964497_504387049614444_1436185243_o_zps84508cb6.jp g.html)

19/06/2013, 03h24
hello people, here are some pictures and video to share, hope you like it :icon_mrgreen:


http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/1015247_10201353787867737_1398775127_o_zpse29ad850 .jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/1015247_10201353787867737_1398775127_o_zpse29ad850 .jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/1726269h430_zpsc4dee245.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/1726269h430_zpsc4dee245.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/1025556_10201353787907738_263713976_o_zps4a179f90. jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/1025556_10201353787907738_263713976_o_zps4a179f90. jpg.html)

20/06/2013, 22h53
C'est tellement étrange de faire des choses comme ça que j'ai du mal à comprendre (trop vieux, probablement ). Mais la qualité de la réalisation est indéniable.

It's so much strange to me to do things like that, I just can't understand (too old, probably). But the quality of the work is undeniable.

21/06/2013, 03h40
C'est tellement étrange de faire des choses comme ça que j'ai du mal à comprendre (trop vieux, probablement ). Mais la qualité de la réalisation est indéniable.

It's so much strange to me to do things like that, I just can't understand (too old, probably). But the quality of the work is undeniable.

Thank you very much, well I think it's mainly personal satisfaction to see the project completed and that more or less resembles the personage and / or original costume,
public recognition and awards granted by the organizers of different events (usually about 2-4 events per month), people of all ages who makes ​​their own costumes and participate for prizes can be cash or products

Muchas gracias, bien principalmente yo creo que es satisfaccion personal el ver el proyecto terminado y que mas o menos se parezca al personaje y/o traje original,
el reconocimiento del publico y los premios que otorgan los organizadores de diferentes eventos(por lo general hay de 2 a 4 eventos por mes), gente de todas las edades que fabrica sus propios trajes y participan por premios que puede ser en efectivo o productos

23/07/2013, 18h10
Hi, here some pictures to invite, hope you like it

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare_zps5053fd12.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare_zps5053fd12.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare4_zps107995e3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare4_zps107995e3.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/1002569_10200472240428420_733333756_n_zps2773e2a3. jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/1002569_10200472240428420_733333756_n_zps2773e2a3. jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare2_zps34464bd0.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/IsaacDS2porMarcelopare2_zps34464bd0.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/971883_10200255398735247_809634750_n1_zpsfd722e3b. jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/971883_10200255398735247_809634750_n1_zpsfd722e3b. jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-182232002cv_zps8c079cc7.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-182232002cv_zps8c079cc7.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-182225072cvb_zps23762dc4.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-182225072cvb_zps23762dc4.jpg.html)

24/07/2013, 16h57
Nice gun Toja, I'm just curious about the use of the "cigarette" in your last picture :icon_grin:
Thanks for the update, always nice to see you here :icon_wavey:

25/07/2013, 03h59
Nice gun Toja, I'm just curious about the use of the "cigarette" in your last picture :icon_grin:
Thanks for the update, always nice to see you here :icon_wavey:

I wanted to give a smoke effect, "as when a gun shooting ends" I guess it was a good idea lol :P

yo queria darle un efecto de humo, "como cuando una arma termina de disparar" supongo que no fue buena idea jajaja

27/07/2013, 03h47
rocket launchers, progress 90%
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211407_zps894e48e3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211407_zps894e48e3.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211400_zpsff1c26e9.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211400_zpsff1c26e9.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211322_zps2e3688b1.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211322_zps2e3688b1.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-25132853_zps688acb7a.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-25132853_zps688acb7a.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211256_zps008b8063.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26211256_zps008b8063.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26204402_zpsd79866ed.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26204402_zpsd79866ed.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26203359_zps5628e828.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/fusil%20ds3%20proyecto/2013-07-26203359_zps5628e828.jpg.html)

27/07/2013, 04h21
Give us more ^^

23/10/2013, 15h39
Do you mind if I convert these to files that people can print using a 3D printer?

Hello beautiful people, well here are two files to share, rifle and sword Deunan (Development files for Throttlekitty)


03/05/2014, 23h00
Hi, long time since I visited this site, reasons?, Family, work and lack of time, eh now back and as usual eager to make a new project, I already have the latest brand new film "Appleseed Alpha "

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/BriareosAppleseedAlpha_zps9364e6c3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/BriareosAppleseedAlpha_zps9364e6c3.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/BriareosAppleseedAlpha2_zps6a678e5f.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/BriareosAppleseedAlpha2_zps6a678e5f.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/FIGURE-005250_zps870df30c.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/FIGURE-005250_zps870df30c.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/BriareosAppleseedAlphafusil_zps58341354.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/BriareosAppleseedAlphafusil_zps58341354.jpg.html)

05/05/2014, 20h55
I have to say I am very excited about this project, I promise to give all my best to bring to reality this new project; here I leave a clarification of the work I do.

Afin que les choses soient claires, Toja est Brézilien (la raison pour laquelle il poste en anglais et espagnol), donc certains éléments se perdent lors de la traduction.

Suite à son projet Appleseed, il cherche des personnes qui souhaiteraient l'aider à réaliser ce nouveau projet. Chaque volontaire peut modéliser des pièces (le choix et le nombre de pièces sont à faire selon votre bonne volonté) qui devront être fournies au format OBJ à Toja.

Toja s'occupera ensuite de convertir ces modèles sous son logiciel spécialisé afin de créer des élements réel (via moulage/découpage/assemblage - il utilise diverses techniques), les assembler et les peindre pour en faire un costume à taille réelle.
Il utilise ensuite ces costumes lors de compétitions "Cosplay" (genre de jeu de rôle basé autour de la création de costumes).

Le but étant de voir vos créations prendre vie. Ceci est totalement bénévole et à but communautaire, uniquement pour la gloire.

Les résultats sont très convaincants, donc je vous invite à rejoindre son initiative si cela vous intéresse!
original text of Mr. Fluffy (http://frenchcinema4d.fr/member.php?51833-Fluffy)

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Capturabriareosalpha2_zps55ecce0f.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Capturabriareosalpha2_zps55ecce0f.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Capturabriareosalpha3_zps791485b0.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Capturabriareosalpha3_zps791485b0.jpg.html)

13/05/2014, 15h04

29/05/2014, 19h28
Hello people, I'm back with news.
Continuing with the Appleseed Project Alpha, here is the work of Sir Throttlekitty.
for now my pepakura templates are a lot of other disordered pieces after scale the file (perhaps 1.60 long) then print, cut, paste and assemble my model on paper (would be easier with a 3D printer, right lol) well continue with the construction, materials that will be used are, eva rubber and wood for the center of the rifle.

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/rifleBriaalpha_zps06894899.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/rifleBriaalpha_zps06894899.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/figuras-appleseed_zps67a3b7ed.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/figuras-appleseed_zps67a3b7ed.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/rifleBriaalphapepakura_zps66508478.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Briareos%20proyecto%20replica/rifleBriaalphapepakura_zps66508478.jpg.html)

25/06/2014, 16h29
Hello, well here my update, first working in the scale of rifle (Appleseed Alpha) on the other finishing my project Gurren Lagann, I have 90% ready. Here the work of a friend who very kindly shared their work with me, it is Briareos head version (appleseed Alpha)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/sniperrifle_zps67cd1854.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/sniperrifle_zps67cd1854.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/snipermirafusil_zpse5e35b47.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/snipermirafusil_zpse5e35b47.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/GurrenLaganporToja2014-06-23191529_zpsf567dc4d.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/GurrenLaganporToja2014-06-23191529_zpsf567dc4d.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/antebrazoderGurrenLportoja2014-06-23212115_zpsae7d6958.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/antebrazoderGurrenLportoja2014-06-23212115_zpsae7d6958.jpg.html)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/BriareosAplessedAlpha2014_zpseda06cad.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/BriareosAplessedAlpha2014_zpseda06cad.jpg.html)htt p://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/BriareosAlphaByJoelK_zps84d9d0f8.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Appleseed%20Alpha%202014%20by%20Toja/BriareosAlphaByJoelK_zps84d9d0f8.jpg.html)

20/07/2014, 17h19
http://youtu.be/idRZHU6zVLUDe Hola Gente, Asi Es El Primero que aqui Gurren Lagann, ESPERO EL PRODUCTO que Construyendo Ahora último agosto y Sigue http://youtu.be/PwgygPpQyg8

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20144_zpsaf0026f3.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20144_zpsaf0026f3.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20145_zpsb21edb5b.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20145_zpsb21edb5b.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20146_zps2500edc6.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20146_zps2500edc6.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20148_zps5dd6c0fd.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20148_zps5dd6c0fd.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20143_zps14ccdd3d.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Gurren%20Lagann%20Pepakura%20por%20toja/GurrenLaganporToja20143_zps14ccdd3d.jpg.html)
http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee375/toja1976/Cosplay%20Gurren%20Lagann/873e9c8c-b25e-412c-92ae-b92af3d17192_zps3cd5cd0c.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/toja1976/media/Cosplay%20Gurren%20Lagann/873e9c8c-b25e-412c-92ae-b92af3d17192_zps3cd5cd0c.jpg.html)

30/08/2014, 06h40
Hello Toja,

I see that i have missed a lot of things here.
I am glad to see that you have continued.
It's a great work you have done since my last visit, congratulation for your awards by the way (with a lot of late, sorry :icon_lol:), you've earned it, your achievements are just awesome.
I'll continue to follow your exciting work (but in silence, cuz my english is verry bad as you can see :sweatdrop:).

I'm eager to see more !

04/06/2024, 20h12
muchas cosas que contar, solo voy a decir que soy fanatico del citroen 2cv, aqui una replica de la mascota del capot, aqui no se consigue asi ue me lo fabrique, pasos son, diseño 3d, imprecion 3d y fundicion de aluminio al final.24742247432474424745