Boutique Cinema 4D


VRAYforC4D 1.2.6 !

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La nouvelle version de VRAYforC4D est en ligne ! Cette version apporte entre autres le nouveau moteur VRAY 2.0. Pour le reste des nouveautés, je laisse la parole à Stefan :

Dear users

i just uploaded the 1.2.6 update in the usual update section, this update brings the new vray 2.0 core, the new proxy 2 feature with even faster and easier to use proxies (support for selections tags in proxies, netrender and animation!)

as a special we also added a fur and hair generation module that let anybody also without maxon hair generate fibers, grass, fur and hair, also animated.

also we did many optimizations and code cleanups of the bridge code, and we finalized the transitions to have the bridge vrscene compatible in internal data format (this is for now only internally, vrscene export comes in 1.5 then)

new are also new "point and shoot GI presets for still and also animation, for those who dont want to touch any GI setting, just choose and use an preset and render:-)

ersion, it is by the way the first of a triple update, the next is 1.3 with new multipass and 1.5 with DR which are also in the pipeline based on 1.2.6/vray core2.0 code

with best greetings from all the VRAYforC4D team,
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