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Discussion: Sketch and Toon is my favourite.

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2004

    Sketch and Toon is my favourite.

    Call this a shameless plug.

    Hey all this is one section you will see me in a lot hopefully sharing stuff down the road but feel free to ask about even the smallest niggle in skethc and toon, its sort of my speciality now for 3D.

    And for those of you who haven't hear I"ve been recording Videos for a Training CD for Sketch and Toon which I hopefully will finally have up this month, May 1st reboot is only a month away so I need ot get craking on it.

    It covers how to use each and every single setting in sketch and toon, almost like a video manual, but also has some great videos on achieving specific styles and effects.

  2. #2
    Vieux Croûton Avatar de Fluffy
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2003
    C4D version
    R18 Studio
    Win 10 Pro
    13 711
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    Sketch and Toon is my favourite.

    Great Kaiskai!

    Will it be available in the US? You have one customer already

    We still have a lot of work to do using Sketch and Toons, and I will probably need your experience in that matter on my WIP "Death Dealer", as I eventually want to try it to recreate the paint style of the original drawing..

    I'll try to go as far as I can, though, but be prepared for me to cry for help :mrgreen:
    And don't hesitate in return, if you have any kind of question.
    Fluffy mais

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2004

    Sketch and Toon is my favourite.

    It will be available everywhere, though I would warn those familar with german to hesitate until I am sure whether I can have a german translated one done or not.

    I'd not considered translating to any other languages, but just from looking at the size of this community I'll have to look into a french version, concern being time and money it takes to translate record audio, clean audio and integrate back into the original videos, rebuilding the interface navigation in another langauge shouldn't take long at all.

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