Bonjour a tout le monde,

I'm gonna write you in english since I speak french but I'm dam bad at writing it! :bounce:

I'm trying to build up a small render farm. I got 2 macs (a Mac Pro and a G5) on the same network.

I got the client installed on the G5 and both server and client on the Mac Pro.

I set up all ip addresses and ports on both machines and starting the net render software I got messages telling that is all cool.

I saved my C4D test file into a project folder with all textures and uploaded this project via the browser interface.

As soon as I start the job I read positive messages from the clients but in a couple of seconds I receive this: "stop rendering at..." while on the browser the job state is marked as "error".

Could anyone kindly help me?

You can write me back in french if you wish

Thanks really a lot
