Easy Chesterfield is a Cinema 4D plugin that helps user to create Chesterfield effects for pillows, couches, sofas and similar.

The principle of use is very simple:

1) Model your pillow using a quadrangular mesh by matching the center of the folds with the vertices of the mesh

2) Select them

3) Press "Create Chesterfield" button, the plugin will modify automatically the object hierarchy and create a chesterfield parametric object.
By changing its properties you can change in real time the appearance of Chesterfield.

Within the plugin you find a button cloner tool, if you need you can clone your custom button and place it automatically over the fold centers.

The button will be cloned according to its Z axis position, see video guide below for more information.

The plugin does not require the Mograph module and it's compatible with all Cinema 4D editions (Prime, Broadcast, Visualize, Studio) and it's compatible with the principal render engines (Vray, Maxwell etc etc).

You can download it for free at our plugin shopping section:


Cinema4D and system requirements:
-Cinema4D release R13/14/15
-OSX Snow Leopard or greater
-Windows 7 32/64 bit or greater